The TODO list
Here is a rather long and unordered list of stuff we'd like to do
- ***********Support an "ALL" mode [default] and modes to run multiple categories...**********
- Abstract an ENUM class from ReportVerbosities and TestCategories
- Support different ways of loading tests (apart from all on class path ending in "Tests")?
- Verbose output should include testing times
- Provide JMX, java logging, ?log4j?, console, composite note takers
- Add support for multiple runs of a given method / load balanced running (for information and to satisfy a threshold)
[perhaps a test which has a number of runs / expected time argument]
- Add support for telling noteTakers before and after which test is running (so they can do anything special)
- Should a test belong to a category (as well as tests) allowing arbitary combinations to be created?
- // Instead of passing a category, pass a Criterion which contains a category, Tests[or more] or Test(s) names...
Add support for ad-hoc running a single test!
- Add support for XML, Text file, YAML and HTML result writers
- Uses scala's native XML support
- Add a simple GUI so that the jar file can be run, and then tests in a folder / jar loaded and executed (requires class loader support)
- Add support for multi-threaded execution of tests (?attribute, ?inherits from a multi-threaded class)
- Uses scala actors
- Consider multi-threading Tests [preferred] or Test (affects implementation of logging)
- Add support for a test being in multiple categories?
- Add support for ignoring tests?
- Alternative to test which is not a failure, merely a report?
- Add support for a console mode to run (a) an arbitary Tests or (b) a Test or (c) some arbitary mix
[Integrate JOpt?] - better command line support...
[parse each switch, add to a map with multi-values; identify switches by presence of - at start]
- Add support for URL class paths for remote test execution...